Understanding the world

Living, Dead and Never Alive Sorting Activity
Living, Dead and Never Alive cutting and sorting activity.

Toys Old and New
A presentation on old and new toys and an activity to sort old and new toys in small groups. Used with year 1 but could be used with reception and year 2.

Koala Visual Timetable
Hand designed and drawn Koala themed visual timetable. Most suited to a KS1 class to stick in the classroom and show what is happening in the day. Includes; phonics, English, maths, science, circle time, geography, history, story time, golden time, assembly, music. recorders, handwriting, reading, D.T. art, P.E, register, lunch and break. Hope you like them! They took a very long time!

Fairy Tale D.T. Planning
7 weeks of D.T, planning based in the theme of Fairy Tales. Children to make Red Riding Hood Character Puppets, Little Pig Houses and Gingerbread men. Most suited to KS1.

Living Things and Their Habitats 7 week plan
KS1 Living Things and their Habitats 7 week plan. Covers; living, dead and never alive; the life cycle of a frog and how living things are suited to their habitat.

The Jolly Christmas Postman
A nine day English plan for the Jolly Christmas Postman including planning, Father Christmas wordmat and activities.

Changes in Transport through Time
Presentation and differentiated worksheets for transport through time. Most suitable for Year 1 or Year 2.